
International Study on Pediatric Nurses Asked to Care for Adult Patients due to COVID Epidemic Worldwide “During this hard time of the pandemic wave in Portugal, in January 2021, I was transferred to an adult ICU for covid patients (after 18 years of full pediatric and neonatology experience). I had no adult care experience and was given no preparation. It was an event really difficult to manage.” Joana Mendes, RN During the COVID Pandemic, pediatric nurses worldwide have been asked to or required to care for adult patients. Although nurses have risen to the challenge of COVID and are proud they could serve, caring for adult patients without proper background may have caused nurses some distress. That is a lack of research surrounding this topic and, at the same time, a need to understand it, to better prepare nurses for next potential pandemic waves. The “International Study on Pediatric Nurses Asked to Care for Adult Patients due to COVID Epidemic Worldwide” is an online survey for all pediatric nurses that were asked to care for adults during COVID Epidemic Worldwide. It is being conducted by Dr. Anita Catlin, California, Dr. Joana Mendes, Portugal, and Marcia Santos, MSN, PhD‐Candidate, Portugal. The aim of the study is to provide an in‐depth description of the phenomena of pediatric nurses who were asked to care for adult patients during the COVID epidemic and describe: 1.The demographics and descriptors of the pediatric nurses and conditions under which they began to care for adult patients. 2.The facilitators and barriers to comfort in caring for adult Patients 3.The preparation or lack of preparation for this change in practice focus 4.The skills they felt prepared to perform and those which they were underprepared for 5.The recommendations by pediatric nurses for future epidemics or disasters We are inviting you and/or your organization to support our study by participating and by disseminating it to all pediatric nurses in your country. We are sending this to the Boards of Nursing at the 130 countries registered with the International Council of Nursing (ICN). We hope to distribute it to all Pediatric Nursing Journals throughout the world. (If you know of a pediatric nursing journal in your country, please send us the name). If you are a participant in the study, please pass it on to other pediatric nurse colleagues who meet the criteria of having cared for adult patients during this crisis.The study has two parts, the first will take 15 minutes and the second may take up to 40 minutes. Please try to take both surveys within 14 days.We are hoping that the conclusions of the study will be converted in a white paper to present to national nursing organizations. If you are a pediatric nurse and experienced being asked to care for adult patients, or moved without being asked to care for adult patients, due to COVID pandemic, this international study is being conducted for you. Please use this link to fill the survey at. All responses are completely anonymous. If you have questions, please contact by the email